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One on One Lessons

One on One Lessons

One on One lesson (includes an optional bike set-up)

4 - 5 hours duration (start time usually 9am)

€180 p/person (incl Single uplift cost)

A One on One lesson is comprised of breaking down "riding a Mountainbike" to the foundation, learning about weight distribution, what makes grip/traction, how to make the bike "seesaw" effortlessly over obstacles, the reasons why common mistakes occur, which brake to use most, how to corner and pump correctly and then we put it all back together again.

Along the way we will discover the particular individual habits that each rider has, and Gabby will give clear and simple solutions to overcome the habits and change them permanently.

We start out in the open on a gravel road to break down and understand what and where control is, then once we have created a solid foundation, we move onto easy tracks and session sections to hone technique until mastered.

After the first One on One lesson where we establish a solid foundation, in further lessons we recommend doing a day with Gabby on track analysing the skills learnt in the first lesson and ensuring they've been mastered correctly, then applying the further techniques where required.

What to expect from a lesson:

The coaching session offers premium Technical Skills Training taking the rider through bike set-up, bike positioning, braking, cornering, steep descents, roots/rocks/steps, pumping and optional discussion around jumping. These techniques have been refined over 20 years of coaching all ages and abilities of mountainbikers the world over.

Problems that will be resolved;

*You feel like you need to brake, lose speed or will wash out in corners

*Experience difficulty in steep or slippery chutes/ruts

*You are scared of going over the handlebars

*Want to go faster in control or are looking to improve your race-craft

*You find slippery roots, gravel, mud, rocks scary or difficult

*Feels unpredictable whether the bike will kick or not on drops or jumps

*Why and how to pump

We look at all of the above and more, using a systematic, easy to understand method that works on all terrains.





* Required fields

First name/Nome *
Last/Cognome *
Email *
Whatsapp *
Date of Birth/Data di nascita *
Gender/Genere *
Country/Paese *
Lesson type *
Please choose your preferred date. Data preferita. *
What is your mountain biking skill level? Qual è il tuo livello di abilità in mountain bike? *
Have you ridden in Finale Ligure before? Hai già stata a Finale Ligure? *
What you would like to learn/achieve from a MTB lesson? Cosa ti piacerebbe imparare/ottenere da una lezione di MTB? *
Please state any Allergies/Injuries/existing medical conditions. E.g, head injury two years ago, or have a weak ankle. *
T Shirt Size *
How did you hear about MTB SKILLS Finale? Come hai trovato MTB SKILLS Finale? *